By: Mayamiko Chimbali

MERA joined Community Energy Malawi (CEM) who in collaboration with Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS), Ministry of Energy, and University of Strathclyde organised awareness campaigns in Balaka and Dedza districts to sensitise communities on standards of Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs).

The open-air awareness campaigns focused on various issues relating RETs including the importance of the technologies, how to access quality products, and the standards consumers have to look out for when purchasing products like solar panels and torches.

Presenting during the awareness campaigns, officials from MERA encouraged community members to purchase renewable energy products from certified traders and engage installers with valid MERA permits to ensure appropriate and durable installations and consequently save not only money but also lives and property.

On the other hand, officials from MBS informed the community members on how they can differentiate fake from original renewable energy products. MBS also encouraged community members to request warranties whenever they purchase renewable energy products.

The sensitization campaigns took place from the 12th of November 2020 to the 14th of November 2020.