Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) wishes to remind all Electrical Installation Permit and Private Electricity Generation Registration Certificate holders that their permits and certificates respectively for the year 2024 will expire on 31 December 2024.

All Electrical Installation Persons certified by MERA undertaking electrical and renewable energy installations in the country and those with electricity private generation facilities of 20 kVA and above are hereby reminded to renew their Permits and Registration Certificates respectively for the year 2025.

The Electrical Installation Persons are, further, requested to submit the following as requirements for renewal of their permit:

  1. Reports of their work undertaken in the year 2024;
  2. A valid Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) Tax Clearance Certificate;
  3. Proof of existence of a competent person (for company renewals); and
  4. Proof of payment of licence/permit/certificate fees.

All fees are payable through either of the following MERA bank accounts:

Account Name: Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority

Bank                   Branch               Account Number

a)           National Bank          Capital City          1276848

b)          Standard Bank         Capital City          9100003331137

Please be advised that MERA will in due course be undertaking compliance monitoring exercise to check performance of the certified electrical installations and ensure that those who are operating without a Permit or without being registered are duly prosecuted in accordance with the law.

The public is further being reminded that undertaking of electrical and renewable energy installations without a valid Permit issued by MERA as well as undertaking private generation of electricity of 20 kVA and above without being registered with MERA is an offence whose punishment upon conviction is a fine and imprisonment for six months.

For more information please contact:

The Chief Executive Officer

Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority

MERA Complex, City Centre

Private Bag B-496



Phone: 0111774000 / 0111775810 / 0111775812